This week, the Counter-Strike scene was rocked when Nicolai “HUNDEN” Petersen, Ricardo “dead” Sinigaglia, and Aleksandr “MechanoGun” Bogatiryev were banned from ESL events after it was revealed that the three coaches abused an exploit in the game that caused the coaching perspective to be locked in a position outside of the perspectives of their players. Each of the organizations in question suspended their coach immediately; Heroic began an investigation into HUNDEN while Made in Brazil began an investigation into dead. HUNDEN immediately accepted the bans and stepped away from his position, while dead took to Twitter to defend his innocence.
Today, Rush B Media was able to confirm that dead abused the coach bug in at least two instances. One, as announced by ESL, was during the ESL One: Road to Rio NA event. On April 23rd, 2020, following the warmup of their Dust2 bout against Yeah, dead’s perspective became locked in T Spawn. Instead of calling a timeout to resolve this, dead moved his camera in order to obtain info for his team. The first clip below, provided by Twitter user NAN0CS, shows dead’s perspective in the round.
This was later confirmed by our own SolGoat, in the following video.
This is not the only time that dead would get the coach bug at the event, however. In a matchup against Envy on May 1st, the same thing happened. This time, when the Brazilian squad realized what was happening, they called for an immediate tech pause and sorted the issue out. The clip below demonstrates that, during the Envy game, they knew of the bug and were aware of how to fix it.
The Yeah incident wouldn’t be the last time that dead would abuse the coach bug. In a later RMR tournament, cs_summit 6, he would abuse it. On June 23rd, while playing against Triumph on Overpass, dead’s camera became locked in CT Spawn. As the round progressed, Triumph’s T side planted the bomb on the A site, where dead was able to track the position of the lone player on the site as he set up his post-plant position. The clip below, again provided by SolGoat, shows the round in its entirety.
While the first two clips in isolation might indicate that dead made a mistake, the third clip provides evidence that, despite knowing how to fix the bug, he exploited it in order to gain an advantage, at least in the game against Triumph.
We reached out to ESL, who confirmed the clips and told Rush B Media, “Clips of these incidents were shared with MIBR as part of the supporting evidence.” While dead claims that the clip ESL sent him was that of the Triumph game, ESL claims that they have sent clips of each incident to MiBR for review. It is unclear at this time whether there has been a miscommunication between dead and MiBR regarding the clips.